Sunday, April 30, 2006

My heart is so pain...

My bao bao bao is sick. I am so sad. When i see her face my heart is so pain.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Shark fin

2006 Summer latest hair style, "Shark Fin". Posted by Picasa

Do you dare to ride a bear?

Hello everybody, this is my new transport; a bear. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Thank You Ah Yee Pat

Thank you ah yee pat for the head band. It makes me look so pretty. Posted by Picasa

Motherhood Baby of the Year Contest

Too bad i am underage to join Motherhood Baby of the year contest, else i sure win. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006

Cutest baby in the world, IMHO

She is so adorable. Can't stand it when she stick out her tongue. Posted by Picasa

Good hosts, Mr & Mrs Ng

The mee hoon and chicken wings are delicious. If only you can top it up by letting me win some money, you will be the perfect hosts.

Try harder next time. Posted by Picasa

How to win in mahjong?

Show your muscles, threaten to beat up whoever that wins. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The new BMW 335i (E92)

This car will have 306hp with 300nm of torque from 1500 to 5000rpm.

My new dream car. Posted by Picasa

Happy Family

Handsome + Pretty + Adorable. This is my family. Posted by Picasa

Fiona & Labelle

Does she looks like Fiona? They have the same eyes, don't they? Posted by Picasa


I am so sexy, let me show you my cleavage. Posted by Picasa


My fingers taste so good. Want some? Posted by Picasa

Let me think

Labelle: hmm.... let me think what should i eat for dinner. Posted by Picasa

People says i look good in white

Look at the camera

Labelle: Mommy is going to take a picture for us, quickly look at the camera. Posted by Picasa

Labelle's good friend, Winnie

This is one of Labelle's good friends. Winnie really knows how to make Labelle laughs.

Lookalike contest

Everybody says Labelle looks like my sis when my sis is a baby. What do you think? Can see the similarity? Posted by Picasa

So comfortable

Labelle: So comfortable to lean against you. You got a lot of ..... cushion.
Benny: You think you very slim mei? Posted by Picasa

Centre of Attraction part 2

"I am very tired liao, why you all take turn to tickle me?" Labelle said. Posted by Picasa

Miss Singapore 2015

In another 9 years, these two beautiful ladies will be representing Singapore in the Miss Universe contest. You hear it here first. Posted by Picasa

Keep trying .... Don't give up

Benny tried so hard to make Labelle smiles. No wonder he won the first prize. Posted by Picasa

See who can make her laugh contest

The first prize goes to .............. Mr Benny Ng. Please collect your Mercedes CLS350 from C&C on 29th April 2006. Posted by Picasa

Centre of attraction

We all know who is the star in the party. Posted by Picasa

Mr & Mrs Lee

Grandfather and grandmother playing with Labelle's hair. Posted by Picasa