Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Baby Dior

Thank you Gu Gu Angela for the Dior Shoes. Fit my sexy legs like a glove.
 Posted by Picasa

Initial D Singapore version

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006

Please stand up

I am 6 months old and i can stand....... for a while. ke ke

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Happiness after surprise

Yeah yeah yeah. I won. i won. Posted by Picasa

Surpised Winner

What? Did you say i won the World Cutest Baby Contest???
I cannot believe it! Posted by Picasa

World Cutest Baby Contest - The Result

After gathering all the feedback from the audience, which amount to 70%, we got 0 vote. The other 30% comes from the panel which includes Mr Mark, Mr Keng Boon, Mr Lee and myself.

The panel has come to an unanimous vote that , LABELLE LEE is the 2006 World Cutest Baby Contest Winner!.

Congratulation to Ms Labelle Lee. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Rosso Bracelet

Look at my new CARBON FIBRE bracelet. Nice or not? Same material with Super Sports car and fighter jet parts. ;) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

2nd hand items for sale

I have created a new blog to sell 2nd hand items at reasonable price. This is different from auction as you do not need to bid.

Feel free to drop by my new blog at

Girls on the right, boy on the left

Four gals one boy. Posted by Picasa

Must be the pineapple joke

Did you hear about the pineapple joke? They enjoyed it so much. If you have not heard it, scroll down and watch the video. Posted by Picasa

Family Photo

Seldom get the chance to take a family photo together. Posted by Picasa

Very Important Person

These are the two most important person in my life. Posted by Picasa


Can you guess who is older? Who do you think is prettier? Posted by Picasa

My father in law

My father in law is a serious man. Very very serious. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ideal Family

What is an ideal family?

Charming dad, pretty mother, handsome son and adorable baby girl. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

My Biao Ge Attlee

Labelle: He is my cousin, Attlee. He is so good looking. However, he is no longer the youngest in our family. The priviledges go to me now! :) Posted by Picasa

Mother's Day

Mother's day celebration at a restaurant we will not go back again. We are here coz our normal hang out , Lei Garden, has closed down. So sad. Posted by Picasa


I swear we are not vampires. Posted by Picasa

Grandmother's love

Can you handle me. (move left move right) Posted by Picasa

Grandmother loves Labelle

Ah ma and Ah gong have never seen the active side of me. Today, we are celebrating mother's day, let me entertain them with a good show. Posted by Picasa

Pink Pink Pink

Don't I look good in pink? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

World cutest baby contest

Vote for your favourite baby candidates. Leave me your comments.

Final result will be out in a week. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

When i am scolding you dun laugh..............

The scene after Labelle accidentally spilled the hot green tea all over the place. She gets a good scolding from her dad.

Your hair smell so nice

Are you using Kodomo shampoo? Smell so nice. Posted by Picasa

Sleeping Beauty

Shhh........ BaoBaobao is sleeping

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Labelle & Daddy

Quality time together. Posted by Picasa

One night when mom is not home......

Labelle: Last night mummy went out for company's dinner. Only daddy stayed home to keep me company. He showered for me and make me a happy baby. We took a lot of photos together. So fun. Posted by Picasa