Monday, August 31, 2009

BIg woman childish heart

I can fly.

Bambini Playclub videos

There are many games there, but stacking chairs are not one of the game.

Labelle running thru obstacles.

Aston surrounded by sea of balls.

Some other misc pics

Last photo before the videos. Are you ready for more?
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Together now!

My lovely family.
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Aston's featured shots

I love purple ball the most.

What is in that hole?
Dun catch me!!!
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Swimming in a pool of BALLS

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Some feature shots on Labelle

It was not easy carrying a DSLR and crawling thru all these.
It was like back to army days.

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10,000 colorful balls

They were surrounded by balls X 10000.

Can you find Aston in this pic? He was drown by colorful balls!
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Bambini Playclub

Eddie's recommendation.
We went to try it out yesterday.
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National Day fireworks

I can see it from my house!!!
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Big blue black

Poor Aston.
There is a big bruise on his forehead. He is still so cute!
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