Friday, August 10, 2012

Camera shy boy

Like real

All ready for jurassic park

Low batt warning.........

After 6 to 7 hours of fun, the shag look.


A popular spot for photo taking

Fit for magazine cover

Pro cameraman + cute model.

Tied the naughty boy

Dream Castle

No matter how old, girls/women have a soft spot for Castles.

Is a small world after all

Labelle met her Nusery classmate. However, the feel was no longer there. Sad.

Hey! Lion looks fun too.

Too late to change!

There were many animals to choose from, but he chose penguin.

Does that tell his characters?

daddy, i think i need a sunglasses.

you can't see me..........right?

Ninja Aston.........epic fail!

Universal studio, here we come!

The start of our Universal Studio trip. Still fresh.

what has caught his attention?